Programme guidelines and requirements may be obtained from the section representative. The programme must include one piece by a Dutch composer, however. The proposed programme will include various musical styles and will allow the candidate to pay special attention to his/her interests. He/she is required to play at least one piece from memory. The candidate will perform a programme which may not exceed 30 minutes.
After two years, the student will be ready to enter the professional music world at the highest level as an orchestral musician, chamber player and soloist. 61 Concerto for Piano, Violin and Cello Op. The student will concentrate on the further mastering of all aspects of flute playing. BACH, Wilhelm Friedemann Concertos for Keyboard and Orchestra Keyboard Music (Sonatas, Polonaises, Fugues) Sinfonias BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van Concertos for Piano (1-3, 4, 5) Concerto for Violin Op. two pieces of the candidate's choice, preferably from different stylistic periods, for instance: A.Händel, or a sonata of equivalent standard, such as for example: J.S. In the past, we’ve chosen the five minutes or so we would play to make our friends fall in love with classical music, the piano, opera, the cello. Paul Hindemith Acht Stuecke (1927) Quartal harmonies. Sigfrid Karg-Elert Sonata Appassionata (1917) Tonality of romanticism pushed to the limit. The video repertoire consists of a diverse selection from the required audition repertoire of maximum 15 minutes. My personal list, including some firsts in the solo repertoire for flute: Claude Debussy Syrinx (1912) Symmetrical scales, exotic/ancient themes, theater. Recordings must be received by February 1st at the latest. Apart from orchestral projects, there are special projects for wind players and chamber music.Īudition candidates will be selected on the basis of a video recording to be submitted digitally via the application form. Furthermore, workshops and masterclasses are organised regularly by the various principal-study sections. Apart from principal-study tuition, teachers also organise group lessons (including for instance repertoire classes for flutists).